March Slice of Life – Day 23


Today is Day 23 of the March Slice of Life – the daily writing challenge hosted at “Two Writing Teachers”.

As part of a study of picture books that I have been participating in this month (visit here), I read “Once Upon a Memory” by Nina laden and illustrated by Renata Liwska yesterday.

It was written as a series of questions and focused on what do we remember. It was the the last page though that captured me the most. Both the author and illustrator listed some of their favourite things to remember.

So many of the slicers have used lists in many different ways and I have done as well. I decided to look back and create a list poem of thins I remember from my early years – many of the things that we do not use or even have now.

I remember

Saddle shoes


Penny loafers

I remember

Desks with ink wells

The strap

Walking over a mile to school, 4 times a day

I remember

Roll call

Singing “God Save the Queen”

Saying the Lord’s Prayer

I remember


Slide rules

Floppy disks

I remember

Monopoly marathons

Hoola hoops


I remember

Party lines

Rotary dial phones

Unlocked doors

I remember

The Friendly Giant

Captain Kangaroo

Mr. Ed

I remember

Ed Sullivan

Elvis Presley

James Dean

I remember

8 Track



I remember

Transistor radios


Slide projectors

Do you???

18 thoughts on “March Slice of Life – Day 23

  1. I loved reading your slice. There were so many things that triggered memories of my own. I will definitely have to try this! Thank you for inspiring me!

  2. Yes!!! Most of them…no tunics or straps…”America” instead of God Save the Queen”…only walked one year, and it was much shorter…how about 45’s and LP’s (records)/

  3. I enjoyed this post! I do remember many of the things on your list! I had an 8-track stereo that looked like a jukebox and had colored disco lights that lit up along with the beat. How could I forget that? Thanks for reminding me.

  4. Sad to admit, but I remember many of those same items. Wonder if kids today will have cell phones and iPads on their I Remember list. I remember playing outside from morning to evening, coming in only for meals.

    • I remember playing outside all day as well Elsie. as well. My kids are in their 30s now and I remember calling them at supper and they’d been out all day. Kids now adays don’t experience that for many reasons.

  5. This is a wonderful slice! Loving the “power of three” you used! Some of your list left me to think and wonder…those are sometimes the best kinds!! You could take any of these ideas and write other slices so it is also a great strategy for students! Thank you!


  6. Love this post…The categories of threes are great idea! You have marked you stretch on the timeline of history. The “strap” has me asking..Is that a “razor strap” (That is what my mamma threatened to use) The “unlocked doors caught my attention too.

    • The strap was used in schools – I never got it but the threat was always there! We didn’t need to keep our doors looked until we moved to Toronto. Now I always do!

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