Tell Your One Word ’23 – “Thank you”

Lis of LisaNotes as us to express our thanks to our word of the year. What a unique way to honour it. Here’s her description:

As we pause in November to give thanks for the blessings in our lives, are you thankful for your One Word, too? Try a gratefulness practice with your One Word. Write down 5 or 6 things that you’re grateful for about your word this year.

Such as, “Thank you for…”

  • A lesson your word taught you
  • New people you’ve met, thanks to your word
  • Improved attitudes you’ve adopted due to your word
  • Physical changes instigated by your word
  • Spiritual disciplines shaped by your word

I chose “Stretch” as I knew there were several ways I needed to stretch this year – the biggest being my knee. I had a second knee replacement in August and stretching has been a big part of my recovery.

The other ways I hoped to stretch did happen in small ways – in writing, art and socially.

So, I want to say thanks to “Stretch”, for

  1. forcing me to stretch my body, especially my legs, to gain greater mobility
  2. showing me that I need to stretch my skills more in writing and creating art
  3. showing me that when I stretch to do something I’m usure of, it usually works out and I am glad I did
  4. connecting me with a skillful physiotherapist who has been helping me the past 6 weeks
  5. just being my word of the year

Thanks again Stretch. I know I will be needing you throughout 2024, but I have a new word that I am seriously considering to take your place.

Non-Fiction November: Week 3 – Book pairings

This week Nonfiction November is hosted by Liz Dexter. The challenge this week is “book pairings”. Liz writes:

“This week, pair up a nonfiction book with a fiction title. Maybe it’s a historical novel and the real history in a nonfiction version, or a memoir and a novel, or a fiction book you’ve read and you would like recommendations for background reading. You can be as creative as you like!”

I always enjoy this week as I often seek to enhance my historical fiction reading with a deeper dive into the historical background.

This week I have been reading Three Holidays and a Wedding by Uzma Jalaluddin and Marissa Stapley. I am so enjoying it.

It has made me curious to learn in more detail how Ramadan and Hanukkah are celebrated.

Two books I plan to investigate are:

A Guide to Ramadan and Fasting by Dr. M. Hussain and Dr. Afsar-Siddiqui


Hanukkah: The Family Guide to Spiritual Celebration by Dr. Ron Wolfson

With the tensions and unrest in the world today, especially in the Middle East, understanding and appreciation of others’ religions and way of life is necessary for all of us.

Goddess Fish Book Tour for “Carrie Can Fly Too” by Ashley and Breanna Bolliger

I am honoured to be part of the Goddess Fish Blog Tour for Ashley and Breanna Bolliger‘s picture book Carrie Can Fly Too.

Be sure to check at the end for the giveaway info!

(Please note: I received a free copy in exchange for my honest review.)

My Review:

Carrie Can Fly Too is a delightful rhyming picture book for young children that explores the importance of believing in yourself and being kind. These two themes are well brought out throughout the book.

The illustrations are colourful and simple and compliment the story.

I would recommend this book for your child’s library.


Carrie Can Fly Too is an optimistic and inspiring rhyme for the entire family. It affirms that being different shall never prevent us from achieving our lifelong dreams. All we need is a little confidence and our imagination can suddenly become a remarkable reality.


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Ashley and Breanna Bolliger are identical twin sisters born and raised in Canada. Growing up, they have always cherished creating new projects together. Their passion for writing flourished when they launched a wellness blog called Twinlife. Through the creation, they hoped their personal wellness experiences would propose positive change, motivating young adults to develop their own wellness routines to support personal mental health needs.

Ashley and Breanna created “Carrie Can Fly Too” to continually raise mental health awareness, targeting younger audiences. Self-confidence is an attribute that is often not taught, yet it is a motivating factor which drives many towards achieving personal goals. Self-confidence is also fostered when the world is a more accepting place, and everyone has the opportunity to embrace their unique differences. This is Ashley and Breanna’s first children’s book publication, and they wish to continue writing and illustrating books in the future.

Social Links

Ashley Instagram:

Breanna Instagram:

Ashley & Breanna Instagram:




Ashley and Breanna Bolliger will be awarding a $10 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

Non-Fiction November – Week 2

This week, Nonfiction November is hosted by Volatile Rune.

Volatile Rune had us thinking about and using these questions:

“What are you looking for when you pick up a nonfiction book? Do you have a particular topic you’re attracted to? Do you have a particular writing style that works best? When you look at a nonfiction book, does the title or cover influence you? If so, share a title or cover which you find striking.”

I tend to read fiction much more than non-fiction. The NF I choose, usually reflect interests or concerns that I have. This year, I turned to books on grief and prayer (eg. Lee’s Grief is Love and Kincaid’s The Prayer Dare). They definitely filled a need I had.

I also check recommendations from other bloggers and when the topic or book appeals, I try to get it from the library (eg. Smith’s Keep Moving and Bauermeister’s House Lessons).

I have a weekly book/writing meeting with my friend Linda and we have shared a number of NF books this year – The Way of the Fearless Writer by Beth Kempton and The Puzzler by A.J. Jacobs for example. We take turns suggesting NF books – especially ones that relate to writing.

Some books have been on my shelves for a long time (eg Frankl’s Man;s Search for Meaning) and I decide I must read it. Sometimes I will be in a thrift store and I come across a book that just appeals to me, whether because it is a favourite author (Haig’s The Comfort Book) or has an interesting title or cover (Dyck’s A Faithful Heart).

I am a great believer that when you need a book, for whatever reason, the book will find you. And it usually has.

Here are some of my favourite covers:

Planning for Your OLW for 2024

I’m a little late to this linkup but have been thinking about ir for a few weeks. Choosing my OLW (One Little Word) for the next year is always a long process. So many words leap out at me in the few months before the end of the year. I jot them down, waiting for the moment when one just resonates and I am able to choose.

I made a card yesterday that highlights all my OLWs, from 2013-2023 (In 2022, I repeated Joy as I needed that that year)

Each of the words helped me in many ways and proved to be, if not a perfect choice, a good one.

Lisa of Lisa Notes asks: “Are you getting ideas for what your 2024 One Word might be? It’s not too soon to be thinking about it! Take some time in the next few weeks to begin listening for a new word.”

Lisa then poses 5 questions to help us think about our current OLW and one we are planning for 2024:

Here are 5 questions from Lisa Notes along with my answers:

What aspect of my 2023 One Word worked for me?

I chose this word as I knew I needed to stretch physically this year , as my second knee replacement was scheduled. I also wanted to stretch myself mentally, creatively and spiritually. There were times I definitely stretched myself throughout the year, more physically though.

What about the word was difficult?
I did not create as much as I would like. There were some months where I focused more , but overall, I was disappointed. And even tho I stretched daily through my knee recovery, I am still, after 2 months, limited in my flexion. Much more stretching ahead.

Would I rather my 2024 word be something similar to or completely different from my 2023 word?
I definitely want something a bit different, although I do want to grow more.

Do I need something harder/easier/more playful/more serious, etc. for 2024?

I want something that will challenge me to be/do better.

Do I have unfinished business with my 2023 word that could develop into a 2024 word?

Definitely – both physically and creatively.

Some of the words I have on my ever growing list:

Be Dare Curious Savour Wonder Yes Create Linger Thrive Believe Magic

There still a few weeks to ponder the word that will challenge me, direct me, help me through 2024.

Have you chosen your word yet?

Free Verse Friday – A Splash of Colour

Free Verse Friday is our year long poetry practice. On the first Friday of each month, Linda and I (and anyone else who joins in) will be writing a poem based on the theme of the month along with the photo taken relating to that theme or that inspired the poem.  I am choosing to write 30 word poems.

This month’s theme is “A Splash of Colour

When I first thought about the theme, I was thinking of the poppy and how it brightens this dreary November. But then I noticed the tag I was creating earlier this week and the splash of colour on it inspired me to write a poem about affirmations.

I am creating a set of affirmation cards, tags actually, to provide positive, affirming messages when I need them. I have placed them on a metal ring and refer to them occasionally. They are fun to do and give a very positive message.

Check here for a list of positive morning affirmations. 

Be Bold


Positive statements

To help banish

Internal negative thoughts.

Start your day

With positive affirmations.

Believe them

Be positive.

Be bold.

Repeat, believe.

Be motivated, be strong.

Use affirmations daily.

Be sure to check out poets who have joined in the creative fun!

Linda’s poem here.

Cheriee Weichel’s here.

We’d love for you to participate as well. Add a link (or your poem) in the comments.

Our next poems will appear Friday December 1st. The theme is: Celebration

Non-Fiction November – Week 1

It’s time for Nonfiction November, starting with my ‘Year in Nonfiction’, hosted by Heather –@ Based on a True Story   

Here are the hosts for the month:

Our hosts: 

Here the topics for the month:

Week 1: (October 30-November 3) – Your Year in Nonfiction with Heather @ Based on a True Story   

Week 2: (November 6-November10) – Choosing Nonfiction with Frances @ Volatile Rune

Week 3: (November 13-17) –Book Pairings with Liz @ Adventures in reading, running and working from home

Week 4: (November 20-24) – Worldview Shapers with Rebekah @ She Seeks Nonfiction

Week 5: (November 27-December 1) — New to My TBR with Lisa @ Hopewell’s Public Library of Life

There are a number of questions to help us with looking back on our year so far in reading non-ction.

What books have you read?

I read 18 non-fiction books this year so far.

What were your favourites?

House Lessons by Erica Bauermeister

The Honey Bus by Meredith May

The Way of the Fearless Writer by Beth Kempton

The Comfort Book by Matt Haig

Notes on Grief by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

Have you had a favourite topic?

I seemed to focus mostly on religious and inspirational books. It was a challenging year – my older brother passed away June 1 after a couple of months of worsening Parkinson’s. These helped. I did enjoy the 4 memoirs I read.

Is there a topic you want to read about more?

I’d like to read more books on writing and creativity, as well as more memoirs in 2024.

What are you hoping to get out of participating in Nonfiction November?

I always find so many great books that I add to my TBR list.

Here is a list of the NF books I’ve read so far this year:

The Honey Bus by Meredith May

You Could Make This Place Beautiful by Maggie Smith

Keep Moving by Maggie Smith

The Way of the Fearless Writer by Beth Kempton

101 Exercises for the Soul by Bernie S. Siegel

The Puzzler by A.J. Jacobs

Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor E. Frankl

House Lessons by Erica Bauermeister

The Comfort Book by Matt Haig

Notes on Grief by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

Grief is Love by Mrissa Renee Lee

The Prayer Dare by Ron Kincaid

84, Charing Cross Road by Helene Hanff

A Faithful Heart by Sally Bishop Dyck

The Ultimate Brag Book About Yourself by Marla Albertie

I Chose You Imperfectly by Carmen Leal

Rise by John Pavlovitz

Picture Yourself Writing Poetry by Laura Purdie Salas