Slice of Life Tuesday



Today is Slice of Life Tuesday – the weekly writing challenge hosted at Two Writing Teachers.

My hubby has been waiting since late December to hear from a new heart specialist re the pacemaker he needs. We were assured it would be within a couple of weeks, ahis heart had stopped several times during the sleep study that was done.
Finally, yesterday, he got the call for an appointment with the new specialist – for today! Not much notice at all – work had to be told he needed time off. He had to take it as a holiday. (He has been with the company 39 years – he retires in December)
Off we went today to meet the new doctor. She was very brusque, outlining briskly what she would do – next week, on the 17th. She stressed he was not to drive again – as his heart could stop anytime. This has me stressed as I don’t drive much at all, especially in the past year. As well he cannot drive for 3 weeks after surgery.
I know he is stressed/worried. I am sure he will feel better once it is done, but it is just one more surgery he has to undergo and then more limitations after.
I encouraged him to take the next few days as holidays – he will have trouble sleeping anyway and without worrying about work, he can at least sleep in and hopefully relax. As well he is recovering from a horrible cough – all he needs is to pick up something else from work.
To say I am worried is mild. My husband has gone through so much in the years we’ve been together (16 years this year, married 13 ½ years)
Hopefully, he will gain back some of his old energy and he will adjust to having the pacemaker.

Has anyone else had experience with a pacemaker – from family or friends?

Janie’s Secret Valentine


Susanna Leonard Hill is hosting the first ever “Valenyiny Writing Contest. Be sure to check her website for rules and all the great, short stories there (218 words only!).

Here is my entry for the contest.


 Janie’s Secret Valentine

“Momma, I spilled paint at school today. I didn’t mean to. Miss Johnson said we’d clean it up. But Mr. Baxter grumbled at the mess.” Janie‘s lip trembled.

“Remember, he was the custodian when I was your age. He was always sweet to us”

“He must be really old. Is that why he’s so grumpy?”

Her mother laughed. “Getting older doesn’t make someone grumpy. Mr. Baxter lost his wife last year. He must miss her very much.”

“And Valentine’s Day is coming soon! Momma, he needs cheering up. I have to make a plan.” Janie took out her notebook and wrote . Soon she had a positively valentiny idea. She couldn’t wait to get started.

The week before Valentine’s Day was a busy one as Janie carried out her plan, involving the whole school in her secret.

On the big day, students, teachers and parents gathered in the gym. Mr. Baxter was called there for a clean-up. When he arrived, everyone shouted “Happy Valentine’s Day!”
Janie took his hand . “Mr. Baxter, we all love you.” A huge long poster was unrolled and everyone’s name could be seen on it.
Janie saw a tear slide down his face. “Don’t be sad!”

He squeezed her hand.“I’m not sad Janie. These are tears of happiness. Thank you, everyone.”


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Slice of Life Tuesday


Slice of Life Tuesday is the weekly writing challenge hosted at “Two Writing Teachers”. We are asked to share a slice of our life.

The past few days I have been reading “Carry on. Warrior” by Glennon Doyle Melton. Glennon is the creator of “” and her book offers “thoughts on life unarmed”

Her writing is brave, powerful, and thought provoking. I have been moved by many of the chapters:

“Easter” – how in our lives we have to go through the crucifixon before we can get to the resurrection.”There is no fast forwarding through Friday and Saturday… unless you face it head on and choose to open your heart to the pain, you won’t bear witness to the miracle either.” As I read these words, it made me see that this past year really has been my cross to bear and I have to be more open to releasing the pain and reach for the miracle. I can’t hide from or ignore the past.

“A Mountain I’m Willing to Die On” – a loving, honest letter to her son about how we must treat each other. Beautiful.

“On Fish and Heaven” – describing why we must love and what heaven is.

One sentence though really hit me:

“Reading is my inhale. Writing is my exhale.”

What a perfect description of how these two actions are as important to us as breathing. We need both, to breath and to write. I have spent way to much time inhaling the past few months and my exhaling has been shallow. Not a good balance for a healthy life, or a healthy writing life.I need a better balance for sure.

Thank you Glennon for some wonderfully wise words.