March Slice of Life – Day 25


Today is Day 25 of the March Slice of Life – the daily writing challenge hosted at “Two Writing Teachers”

Yesterday, Terje wrote a lovely post about what kind of writer she is. Her words really got me thinking about how I would answer her question: “What kind of writer are you?”

I always wrote, whether short stories, in my journal, letters and later, blog posts. But I never called myself “a writer”. I desired to be one, but I didn’t take any concrete steps while I was teaching.

In June of 2013, I retired after 36 years in education. I loved teaching but I knew it was time to leave. I also know it was time to pursue my desire to write.

I took courses, joined writing groups (SCWBI, RWA) , read, attended a retreat, joined critique groups and I wrote. I took part in challenges (ROW 80), pitches and twitter contests. And, I kept writing. I did NaNoWriMo twice and wrote 50,000 words both times. I took part in SYTYCW through Harlequin twice as well.

I’ve written  romance novellas, several children’s picture books and non-fiction books as well as starting a middle grade novel. I just finished a full-length novel that I have started to revise. I have dreams and so I keep writing.

I tend to picture a scene or a character in my mind long before I start to plan or write. Once that image solidifies, I then write it down as I saw it. The scene usually arrives as a movie clip.

I tend to write sparingly and am working to expand my writing, to add more detail, thoughts and descriptions.

I wish I could be more consistent in my daily writing, that I could write religiously every day. But, even when I am not writing, I am thinking, planning, getting new ideas.

I continue to study, to seek to improve my skills.

I call myself a writer now and I keep writing.

12 thoughts on “March Slice of Life – Day 25

  1. I love how your life revolves around writing – thinking, planning, and getting new ideas. To me, that is and amazing writing life. I love the idea of a scene arriving as a movie clip – great lesson idea for students.

  2. I love that you have decided that now is the time for you to pursue your dream, and you have done so with gusto! You have found ways to put your writing out there and push yourself. i believe you will do it!

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