Slice of Life Tuesday


Today is time to share a slice of life for the weekly writing challenge at “Two Writing Teachers”.

I had no idea what to share this morning until I began watching a segment on my favourite morning show “Canada AM”.

Two young hockey players were being interviewed about their strokes. As part of Stroke Awareness month, this show is highlighting stroke survivors. These two young face a long, tough road to rehabilitation but they hope to remain in hockey.

Stroke is a risk factor in my family – on both sides. My mother died of stroke at age 78, after surviving one at 68. My father’s father suffered a stroke in his late sixties and lived paralyzed another ten years or so.

As a doctor discussed, the rates of young people having strokes is increasing. Time is critical as well – the first moments after a stroke are crucial to survival. Calling 911 and getting to the hospital is mandatory.

There are things we have control of and we can be proactive by addressing these factors – blood pressure, excess weight, inactivity, diabetes.

This acrostic is a great memory boost for what to do when stroke threatens:

F-  FACE: Is it drooping?

A – ARMS: Can you raise both?

S – SPEECH: is it slurred or jumbled?

T- TIME: to call 911 immediately!

6 thoughts on “Slice of Life Tuesday

  1. My grandmother had a really serious stroke in her mid 70’s, survived another five years, but couldn’t talk or move one side of her body. Thank you for this important reminder!

  2. My Mom has made a remarkable recovery from her serious strokes two years ago (age 84)…the possibility of these are very much on my mind! Thank you for this info. Horrible to think of strokes as an issue for younger people – imagine, hockey players! Seems counter-intuitive…healthy, active, young.

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