Slice of Life/TOP TEN Tuesday


Today is Slice of Life Tuesday – the weekly writing challenge hosted at “two Writing Teachers”

Hard to believe that summer is only a week away. 2018 has just flown by.
As I was checking blogs this morning, TOP TEN TUESDAY posts kept popping up in my feed. The topic this week really appealed to me – and it is definitely timely.
I keep a yearly journal and usually start the year with a list of books I want to/plan to read. I have not made much of a dent in this list, so I am moving most to this summer’s TBR list!
Here are my TOP TEN TBR books for summer – I am determined to finally check them off my TBR list once and for all!

1. Glass Houses by Louise Penny. (I have thoroughly enjoyed her series – I have delayed reading this one so there won’t be too much delay to the next one!)
2. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austin
3. Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood
4. Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater
5. Open Heart, One Mind by Clara Hughes
6. The Magician’s Nephew by C.S. Lewis
7. The Hobbit  by Tolkien
8. Holes by Louis Sachar
9. The Marrow Thieves by Cherie Dimaline
10. The Alchemist by Paul Coelho

Many of these are books I started but haven’t finished. There are a range of genres and both newer and older books.

I am participating in several  Summer Reading  Challenges:

Goodread’s Ultimate Summer challenge

Summer 2018 Reading Challenge – read any 7 of 20 listed themes

Early Bird Summer Reading Challenge – read 6 books from listed topics

here – check it out here.
What books are you planning to read this summer?


18 thoughts on “Slice of Life/TOP TEN Tuesday

  1. I love The Scorpio Races; it is one of my favorite books and I read it ever summer as a treat. I’m trying to stay on top of new books this year, so I am going to read Breakout by Kate Messner, Front Desk by Kelly Yang, and Amal Unbound by Aisha Saeed. I am also working on my professional project of getting more strategies for teaching revision to my 5th graders. Happy reading!

  2. Love seeing the TBR piles of different people. Summer is the best time for reading. I hope you will be able to finish your list and maybe get some unexpected surprise titles in there too. My TBR includes some biographies, some PD and some novels. My latest addition to my pile is Elizabeth Gilbert’ s The Signature of All Things. Happy Reading!

  3. It is always interesting to see what people have On their TBR list, Bev. I have read The Hobbit. I just finished The Fallen by David Baldacci. Next up is The 17th Suspect by James Patterson. I don’t really have a list. It is whichever book I pick from the pile closest to me at the time.

  4. I just finished Kate Messner’s Breakout (which was incredible!) and My Dear Hamilton by Stephanie Dray and Laura Kamoie (I also couldn’t put this one down). I look forward to checking out the books on your list as I’m always looking for something new to read! Thank you for sharing!

  5. It’s such fun to read others’ TBR lists. Mine is already entirely unreasonable, and now I just added The Scorpio Races to it. lol Enjoy the Louise Penny–I love her!

  6. Ahhhh! SUCH a good TBR list! Thanks for sharing these titles. I’m impressed that you’re going back and finishing some that you’ve previously started. That category of books lives on my internal bookshelf of shame! They’re tricky to return to! 😉

  7. I just read The Handmaid’s Tale for my book club. It’s a tough read, and I read it 20 pages a day. I’m glad I read it since it’s been on my list for a long time. I mentioned a current novel that I’m reading just for fun in today’s blog post – The Library at the Edge of the World. I have The Miscalculations of Lightning Girl for my middle grade read.

    • I’ve added that book to my list now – it looks so good. I found Atwood’s book disturbing – especially now that it seems to be coming true! But I will finish it.

  8. Great list! I love The Hobbit and Handmaid’s Tale! My TBR is a little out of control right now so I am not sure what I will be reading for the rest of the summer… currently in the middle of Fruit of the Drunken Tree and The Teacher, the Seamstress and the Pianist and enjoying both!

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