Slice of Life Tuesday


It is time for sharing of a “Slice of Life”, at “Two Writing Teachers“.

This poem was on the Slice of Life post for this week and it struck me that if I changed  write to teach, it would perfectly fit how I felt today.

“I write only because
There is a voice within me
That will not be still”
― Sylvia Plath, Letters Home


When I retired last June, I knew I would miss teaching, but I didn’t realize just how much. I found out today.

I took on a tutoring job for two months and started this morning, 3 days a week, from 9 – 12. I am working with a delightful 8 year old. When I saw the request for a teacher, it was the “Grade 3 student” that grabbed my attention. Having taught Grade 3 for 20 years, I loved that age and grade level. I have given away most of my books and units, but there are still several boxes of mentor texts.

So today, we read together, sang together, worked on writing and math and I learned about her strengths and weaknesses.

At the end of our first day, she said to her grandmother that it was “the best day ever”.  That’s what I could have said!

Working one on one is a treat. I miss that light in the eye, the excitement of learning, the sharing of ideas.

I am excited for the next couple of months. I am back to planning and teaching. A joy for sure!

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