March Slice of Life – Day 3


It’s Day 3 of the Slice of Life, a daily writing challenge hosted by “Two Writing Teachers”.

I wanted to share information about a young woman who has inspired me to read more Canadian YA works.

Amy Mathers, at 31, has faced more health challenges than many older people. She had a genetic condition that resulted in a liver transplant at age 5 and then at age 27, she had a heart transplant.
But she has never allowed physical challenges to stop here. Her greatest love is reading and on her blog she reviews books -a lot of books!

She wanted to do more for YA authors and she has started the Marathon of Books to raise money for an annual award to honour Canadian authors of young adult books.

She is encouraging everyone to join in her marathon – to read 13 books – a book from each province and territory in Canada and raise money for this award. Her goal is $100,000 dollars.
What an awesome challenge.
On her blog she provides lists of books and authors for each province as well as forms and reviews. She plans to read a book a day.

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