Slice of Life Tuesday


Time for Slice of Life Tuesday – that fun writing challenge at “Two Writing Teachers” Join in the fun!

Trying to change long-held habits can be so challenging. One of my worst – always eating a treat (toast/cookie/granola bar etc) with my cup of tea – 3 times a day. Even yesterday, coming back from the doctor’s, I had a pumpkin spice muffin and tea when we stopped at Tim Horton’s.

I know this is one of the worst things I can do. Those treats are loaded with bad “stuff”. It was a habit my mother had as well.

I have high cholesterol but refuse to take drugs for it. I know I need to watch what I eat carefully, yet after a few days of denial, I always go back to eating them with my tea.

This morning I decided to stop and think and focus on enjoying just my tea. I have to persevere. I am determined to live healthier. Taking baby steps in the right direction – and really the tea wasn’t so bad on its own.

10 thoughts on “Slice of Life Tuesday

  1. When I lived in RI, I used to get a doughnut with my coffee any time I went to Tim Horton’s or Dunkin’ Donuts. I had to stop. Like you, I’d stop for a few days at a time, but always went back to it. The only thing that helped was moving. Since that’s not an option, perhaps there’s a healthier snack you can pack and eat alongside your tea.

  2. A cup of tea with a treat is a pleasure. It’s probably very hard to give up the treat. I admire that you are so intentional about this. I wish you strength.

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