Slice of Life Tuesday


Today is Slice of Tuesday – the weekly writing teacher hosted at “Two Writing Teachers”

All this week my hubby and I are attending Cardiac Rehab workshops. Yesterday was a discussion of what CR is. Today was a look at CPR. Still to come – medications, exercise, diet and stress management. Lots of information and great follow-up.
It has been a scary time since Bill was hospitalized in November with pneumonia and then to be diagnosed with heart failure.
He still has less energy, which means less exercise. As a kidney transplant patient (13 years now with the kidney), he needs to drink a lot of fluids. As a HF patient – he needs to cut his fluids. So it is a challenging balance to get enough fluids, but not too much.
He had been slowly losing the fluids since November – from 268 lbs. in the hospital to 233 last week. But the weight has started to rise again – almost 10 lbs. in a week.
The transplant doctor we saw yesterday is looking into why his creatinine level (kidney function) has risen so much this past month and what is causing the increased fluid retention – heart or kidney?
So we will attend the workshops, follow the prescriptions, watch the sodium even closer and PRAY.
Please pray for us.

12 thoughts on “Slice of Life Tuesday

  1. Beverly,
    I am so sorry to hear about your husbands’ health challenges. I am also concerned about you. Remember to take care of yourself first. If you don’t take care of yourself, you can’t take care f your husband.

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