Day 15 – March SOL


Today is Day 15 of the March Slice of Life – the daily writing challenge hosted at “Two Writing Teachers”.

(The theme from the photo challenge I am using this month for ideas is “Blue and white”.

I wasn’t sure what to choose for blue and white until I noticed my heart-shaped container dresser. It is one of ten heart-shaped containers on my dresser that I use to hold my jewelry.

This one is ceramic,  bought at a yard sale several years ago. It is hand-made and just a bit funky.
I still look when I go to yard sales or thrift shops, but I haven’t bought any of these containers for a while – even though I have been tempted a few times.
As I get older, I have come to realize that holding on to so many things has definitely contributed to too much stuff. I have collected birds (not too many) angels (too many), apples (a few) and spoons. But will my children even want any of these things? Probably not. They are already after us to downsize.
I read “The magic of Tidying Up” and when the author described holding everything you own and asking “Does it bring me joy?”, it struck me as almost an impossible task (at least for me).
I know I need to declutter. But while I still use these heart-shaped containers, they are safe for now. And yes, this little one, does bring me joy.


5 thoughts on “Day 15 – March SOL

  1. Your heart-shaped box reminds me of my grandmother’s powder box set. When I was a kid, she always had a ruby red comb, brush, mirror, and powder box set from Avon that she used every day. It was nothing expensive, nothing luxurious, but it was hers. When she passed away of all of the possible treasures in her home, I wanted and received that set. Her powder box now holds all of my bracelets. I use it every day. Hang on to the things that bring you joy. They bring your children or grandchildren joy, too.

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