Day 4 – March Slice of Life


Today is Day 4 of the March Slice of Life – the daily writing challenge hosted at “Two Writing Teachers”.
I am using Encyclopedia of Me; My Life from A to Z, a guided journal created by Amy Krause Rosenthal.

D is for Dad
My Dad has been gone for 47 years. He died at 49, way too young. He was always a presence, with his height, his dark hair and good looks.

dad im iniform 001
From him, I got my build, thick hair, math ability and my love of books. He was always reading and had an extensive library.
It was he who stopped my Mom from banning me from reading a very risqué book in my early teens. How would I learn to discriminate a good book from a poor one if I didn’t have the freedom to read what I wanted? Wonderful lesson.

Dad had served aboard a ship at the tail-end of WWII. Then went to university as a veteran. He would write 5 exams in one day and pass all with high honours – a feat seldom accomplished!
Dad worked for a bank and we moved around a lot – from Manitoba to Montreal to Toronto. And because we rented (bank did not okay a mortgage as he could be transferred anytime), we moved around Toronto quite a bit.

One memory that makes me smile – his response of “I’m just resting my eyes” when I caught him snoring on the couch.

He was smart and did not suffer fools. He was never a yes man at work and that was probably the reason he didn’t advance as high as he should have.
I can still remember the custodian of his branch telling me at Dad’s funeral how much he respected my dad and how he’d always ask about his family.

A tribute I made in honour of my Dad:

tag for dad 001

12 thoughts on “Day 4 – March Slice of Life

  1. Wow, your dad sounds like quite a man. Love the lesson he taught you about reading choice, and what you took away from the experience… choice is key at any age. The love and admiration you express regarding your father comes through in your voice, here. A wonderful tribute to an amazing fellow!

  2. I loved reading about your father. Every person’s life is so fascinating, as is witnessing how they live on in those they leave behind. My mother passed away 49 years ago when she was only 46. There’s a bit of symmetry there. It is difficult to fathom how that much time goes by. Yet we still hold on to wonderful memories.
    Thank you for writing!

  3. Sounds like your dad treated all he came in contact with with respect. What great life lessons he taught you. I find that I rest my eyes a lot anymore.

  4. What a wonderful tribute to your dad. With one change, your opening could be mine: “My Dad has been gone for [50] years. He died at 49, way too young. He was always a presence, with his height, his dark hair and good looks.” I think we are both blessed. Happy Monday!

  5. I love you idea of doing an Encyclopedia of You, from A to Z! I want to steal the idea :0 Maybe I will. Happy I found your post on the day you wrote about your dad. My dad has been gone for 2 years… though it feels like forever. I’ve been tempted to write about him, but for strange reasons I can’t get myself to do so. What a beautiful tribute to you dad… I can picture you and him perfectly.

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