March Slice of Life -# 20


Today is Day 20 the March Slice of Life, a daily writing challenge hosted at “Two Writing Teachers”.

Today is supposed to be the first day of spring! What’s with the cold wind,  ice, snow flurries and below 0 temperatures? Will we just go straight to summer when winter is done with us?

Beside creating dreamboards on the full moon, I create a dreamboard of intentions for the new season ahead. It helps me to focus on the goals I hope to achieve in the 3 months ahead. I usually use the headings of: Social, Spiritual, Physical, Creative, Intellectual/career.

This time I am going to focus on 3 areas:  Writing, Art, Health. Creating the board of intentions and posting it in my art room really helps me to re-focus throughout the season.

I discovered a new writing challenge recently “ROW 80” – A Round of Words in 80 Days. The new round starts April 7 and it fits in so well with my spring intentions. Each person sets their own goals for the 80 days and then reports back each Sunday and Wednesday to report on their progress.

Except for the March Slice of Life, I have really not done any consistent writing this month. I have really enjoyed the daily slice -mostly for the community.

I feel like I need a push to get back on track. I have several projects to work on and I hope by setting realistic, weekly goals for the 80 days, I will move forward in my writing.


10 thoughts on “March Slice of Life -# 20

  1. Dreamboard….how do you do it? Do you have a bulletin board with images? I have heard how powerful it can be. I am going to check out Row 80. Thanks so much. I am so happy that I visited.

    • Dreamboards can be created in many ways. If you check out Jamie Ridler she has a whole section on them.
      When I create one (full moon ones), I use images and words from magazines that I have cut up over the month. I have several folders of images! I use a journal and first lay down a background and then add images and words th guide me for the month ahead. Very intuitive really. Hope that helps.

  2. A new season, but yet it feels like the old season. Setting goals is something I need to do. I don’t think I could go eighty days of writing. I’m happy to work hard through one month then twice a week later. Good luck!

  3. Just checked the ROW 80 website. Looks pretty interesting! I think it is good to have plans for writing after March challenge. I need one too. I am intrigued by your dreamboard…could there be pictures later??

    • I thought it looked interesting too Jaana. I really need to keep the momentum growing.
      I am just finishing up the dreamboard tonight. I will add it to my slice tomorrow,

  4. I love the way you set goals for yourself. I’d like to try a dream board, I signed up for the next class with Jamie because I saw your Full Moon dreamboard.

  5. I’m glad you’re going to share pictures, Beverley. I always love to see them. I don’t remember about the board of intentions-sounds like a good idea. Glad you’re enjoying the slicing, and that you found still another challenge!

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