March Slice of Life – #25



Today is Day 25 of the March Slice of Life, a  daily writing challenge, hosted at “Two Writing Teachers”. hard to believe there are only 5 more slices for March!

Yesterday, I visited Jen Baum’s blog and was reminded of a writing exercise I always did with my classes at the beginning of the year. Yet, I have never done for myself. She called it a “Taxonomy of my Favorite Things“. usually when we did it in the classroom, it was a list of possible topics to be used for writing. I love Jen’s idea of recording all of your favourite things.

Here’s mine:

A: ART,  Australia, aboriginal art, afghans, apples, angels

B: Bill, Bible, books, bunnies, ballet, blogs, bananas, butterflies

C: crochet,children, Christmas, computer, collage, chocolate, card playing, cribbage

D: dogs, dancing, dragonflies

E: England, eggs, English muffins

F: family, friends, flowers, fall

G: gelli printing, games

H: hugs, hearts, horses,  humour, herons, humming birds 

I: ice cream

J: Jer, Jeff, jam & toast

K: kisses, kittens

L: love, laughter, learning, letters

M: Matt, music, movies, mountains

N: nature, news

O: oceans, oranges, the Olympics

P: prayer, photography, pizza, pinterest, peanut butter  popcorn, painting 

Q: quilts, quiet , questions

R: reading, roses, red, rest, relaxation,

S: stamp carving, spring, sunrises & sunsets, swimming, scrabble, Scattegories, snow, shadows, swans 

T: teaching, twitter, tea, theatre 

U: unicorns

V: violets, the Voice, volleyball

W:  writing, water, watercolour


Y: yarn

Z: zoos

There are probably more I could add, but this is a good representation of things I like and things I like to do.






8 thoughts on “March Slice of Life – #25

  1. Hmmmmm. I’ve seen these but have never done one. You’ve got me thinking. Such a valuable structure! This really reminds me of a heart map :).

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