Slice of Life Tuesday


Two Writing Teachers hosts the weekly writing challenge “Slice of Life Tuesday”. The SOL community is a supportive one and offers a rare chance to focus on slices of our life.

As I got on the scales yesterday, I was surprised/upset to see that I had gained five pounds since Christmas. This has been a stressful few weeks and I know I was eating more comfort foods. But I was hoping I hadn’t gained weight.  I know I have to do something and soon.

I had borrowed “The Writing Diet” by Julia Cameron  from the library last week, but it had been sitting in the bag. I took it out today and began reading. I am glad I did.

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Her statement that over-eating was a self-destructive act really hit home. I have to do better. My daughter keeps telling me to get healthy, that she wants me to live a long life.

I had read and worked through her “The Artist’s Way” last year and loved it. From “Morning Papers” to “Artist’s dates, there were so many ways to encourage and grow our creativity.

“The Writing Diet” uses some of the same tools to help encourage “clean eating, clean living”. Morning papers are encouraged as well as keeping a food journal.

One chapter really struck a chord with me – taking one day at a time:

“Our days are built of days. Each day, well lived, builds upon the next. “

“When I began to focus on one day at a time, my life started to be far more fulfilling…. I began to pack more living into each day’s passage.”

So, I will begin, one day at a time, taking care of myself, loving myself and focusing on clean eating.

7 thoughts on “Slice of Life Tuesday

  1. Thanks Carol. I had ordered the book and renewed it but it took looking at the scales for me to crack it open. Once I did, it just made so much sense. Day by day – hope to get there.

  2. It is such hard work. But Cameron really makes the case that when we write daily – like morning papers – and keep track of our food and just write – we can lose weight. I want to commit to this.

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