March SOL – Day 13




Today is Day 13 of the March Slice of Life – the daily writing challenge hosted at “Two Writing Teachers”.

When my son was young, he suffered often through heavy nosebleeds, often lasting 30 + minutes. He had to have his nose cauterized three times. As he entered his teens, they eventually eased up. I thought I was done with them.
This morning, I went through the same scary times with my husband. He woke to a flowing nosebleed, that even after pinching his nose 15 minutes didn’t stop it. He eventually stopped it – twice.
Then about 6 pm, the bleeding started again – so far, after 40 minutes it hasn’t stopped. He’s on warfarin, which makes it more of a challenge.
I called our Ontario health line and they recommended seeing a doctor within 24 hours (that was at noon) Looks like we will be going to emerg.

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