March Slice of Life – Day 14: M


Today is Day 14 of the March Slice of Life – the daily writing challenge hosted at Two Writing Teachers.


M is for Maine (and Montreal)

When I lived in Montreal as a child, summer vacations meant staying at Ocean Park, Maine.

It also meant:

-driving our station wagon, five kids and a dog, topped with the blue wooden luggage holder

-fights over who sat where

-setting up our tents or moving into a cottage

-running out for miles at low tide

-looking for shells

-building sand castles

-trying to wash all the sand off at the end of the day at the beach

-looking for blueberries

-going to the drive-in and lying in the back of the car in our pjs

-eating hot dogs over the fire

I have gone back to Maine a couple of times, but never back to Ocean Park.

When I met Bill, we discovered we had both lived in Montreal and we both had summered in or around Ocean Park. I wonder if we ever ran into each other so many years ago. Small world.

13 thoughts on “March Slice of Life – Day 14: M

  1. We have vacationed in Maine too. Some of our best memories are wrapped in those vacations. We took the extended family: children, wives and husbands, grandchildren…to celebrate our 40th wedding anniversary in Bar Harbor and Acadia National Park. We love Maine.

  2. Hope things go well for your husband today, Bev. I have never been to Maine, but sounds like a place I would like to visit, however, not today. 🙂

    • Definitely not today! BUt Bill’s angiogram was cancelled today – his INR was too high – almost double what it should be. Which in some ways was good – as the driving was terrible. It is now rescheduled for nest Tuesday.

  3. Your poem has me remembering my childhood–not spent in Maine, but so many of the details I know. Arguing over who sits where (i was the youngest so I always lost), the low tide run into the ocean, wearing PJs in the car and more.

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